Alex Wilkie Chinese Takeaways

We all love a good Chinese takeaway meal, I know I do, and so with that in mind this cookbook tries to cover all the basic dishes,and some you may not know. My approach is to give you easy steps without any complicated methods of cooking.

Growing up in my native Glasgow, chinese takaeawy food was always the order of the day. It was not something you could make at home, well not to takeaway standard anyway. There was no other way than to buy it, but now after years of research and having had acesss to many Chinese kitchens I can now reveal to you the secrets. There you will find just about everything you need to know to get you up and running and to create that unique takeaway flavour. This is not guess work but actual recipes provided to me by the chefs I've worked with.

The book also has links attached to each recipe that will take you to a video tutorial. Navigation tools are built into the book to help you along the way. For a look inside the book check out the video below.

The book is priced at £10. Click on the download link below to gain access on any device.


Alex Wilkie Chinese Takeaways E-Book Promo Video